Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Jo - Explicit Billboard Research

Banned Billboard Research

To the left shows a highly gruesome advertisement which had been banned for the fact that it was just that bit more gruesome than was allowed to be shown.

It shows a man and a woman in two different situations however, the only thing in common is that they both indicate that they have been brutally murdered.
One in the bath and the other stabbed to death in the bedroom.

This is a banned advert/billboard due to the fact that it has too much of a scare factor for every viewer. The creators obviously didn't take into consideration that when this is posted up everywhere, that young people can see this and get terrified.
On the other hand, the photography and editing is done quite brilliantly, capturing that haunting atmosphere.

To the right is another example of a banned advertisement, however this one is a lot less violent and gruesome as the previous one.

This billboard got banned due to the fact that it indicates sexism with the quote 'girls dressed by boys' meaning in some ways they control women and how they look and feel and so on. The fact that the image shows a woman in a very skimpy outfit showing off to the world also adds to the many reasons this advertisement got banned.

Although it may not have intentionally meant to cause any harm or distruption, it deffinately did cause an uproar if this type of advert had been banned as it isn't near as horrid as most can be.

The overall design is quite simple, with just a few lighting adjustments and a grunge type graphic effect added over the top of the picture, it adds a lot more edge and darkness to the deisgn as apposed to if it was just left as it was, and having text slapped on.
You can tell that the image is the main focus to this advert being as the only text thats shown on it is quite small in comparrison, and slightly difficult to make out.

This advertisement is quite an explicit example of what banned adverts may look like, the main reason for it being banned is the fact that the babies are used (whether it's been photoshopped or not) for the main part of the advert, showing that they are choking on society/poverty, of which the chemicals and insects represent them.
The babies look realistic in the way they are illustrated or edited and the facial expressions are done so well that it's almost believable that it could be real.
Although it is mis-leading, it doesn't differ from the fact that it is cruel and just plain wrong to have designed it using new borns.

It has taken on an unusual design for an advert as explicit as this, as the illustration looks watercoloured as such, and yet looks so realistic at the same time.

Again this is another explicit example of cruelty in an advertisement using new borns. However, this one is slightly more gruesome and disturbing, with a hidden message behind it all.

This advertisement is all about animal cruelty and how you wouldn't treat others the way you wouldn't want to be treated. It has a sort of double meaning this image does as the tables have turned and the animals are beating and doing, you could say "human cruelty".

The image here is deffinately the main attraction to the whole design as just this simple picture of role reversals would grab anybodys attention. Especially with the fact that it is so bland and plain, with that luscious red just seeping through all of the white.

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